Saturday, March 17, 2012

Districts and Tributes

District 1 : Luxury (Marvel and Glimmer)(Marvel died with an arrow stuck in his neck)(Glimmer died by tracker jacker attack.)
District 2 :Mansonry (Clove and Cato)(Clove died Katniss shot a arrow in his skull)(Clove died by a stone which causes her internal bleeding.)
District 3 : Technology(Tribute boy and girl)(For moment unknown death)
District 4: Fishing (Tribute girl and boy)(For moment unknown death)
District 5 : Power (Foxface and Tribute boy)(Foxface died by Nightlock Berries)
District 6 : Transportation(Tribute boy and girl)(For moment unknown death)
District 7 : Lumber(Tribute boy and girl)(For moment unknown death)
District 8: Textiles(Tribute boy and girl)(For moment unknown death)
District 9: Grain(Unknown Tributes)(It is assumed that they died in the initial bloodbath in Cornucopia)
District 10 : Livestock(Tribute boy and girl)(The girl died during the bloodbath in Cornucopia and the boy by either the wave or the beast)
District 11 : Agriculture(Thresh and Rue)(Thresh (might)killed by Cato)(Rue died by a spear in her abdomen)
District 12 :Mining (Katniss and Peeta)(Both alive)
                                                                                                          (Source : Wikia)

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